Hello! students, how are you doing, hope that fine? I on this post going to inform you that Bihar board inter practical exam date is started from today. Some of the colleges are till not started to taking Bihar board practical exam and Bihar board is made some changes this year. In some school/College for practical exam allotted the other school and colleges. The best part of it some of the colleges/+2 School got Home centre for the practical exam. For more information, click on below links.
Bihar board inter practical exam start
Here on this website soon going to update the Bihar board inter practical examination question paper with answers after the completed the exam. Many of the students are searching Bihar board practical exam question paper, BSEB Inter Arts practical Question & BSEB 12th Science practical question paper. If you wish to answer the any question of Bihar board inter practical exam question paper then you can ask through the comment. If you are using Facebook then you can join us on the facebook for the latest and new updates regarding Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) Inter Exam 2017.
Bihar Board Practical Exam 2017 Schedule
Bihar board as allotted the inter exam practical exam center this year. Hence students are suggested to contact to +2 school/College for completed details of Bihar board intermediate practical examination 2017 date/time. Here on this website, we will soon provide the Bihar board physics practical question paper with answer, bseb inter chemistry practical question 2017 and Bihar board 12th Biology practical exam question with the solution for science faculty to analysis their marks and get an idea to coming marks in Bihar board practical examinations.
Bihar Board inter/12th Science/Arts Practical Exam 2017
- Board: Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB)
- Exam name: Inter-Arts/Science Practical exam
- Exam date: Start from 27th March to 08th April 2017
- Category: Bihar 12th Practical exam details
- Status: More update soon
- BSEB Official website: www.biharboard.ac.in
Student Help information: If you wish to know any more details then you can ask through the email – send your query to info@biharboard.ac.in. Or Ask your question by the comment space is given below. click for more details
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