As per the Bar Council of India announcement, All law students will be promoted into the next class without appearing/giving Examination. Only Final year/semester Students will appear in the examination, which will be taken online. Hello students of All India who are studying / Pursuing Law-related courses which may be BALLB & LLB.
As a decision made by BAR Council that now all the law-related courses final year examination will be taken online mode, which preparation has been started. Council has been also ordered that students who are not able to take part in an online examination for such candidate/student institute or authority arrange alternative methods for appear in the examination.
BAR Council of India Exam Decision
For the candidate of 03 years and 05-year students require to participate in the online examination. But students of Intermediate semester will be promoted into next semester/session as per the previous session examination performance level. University has ordered to maintain all the guidelines under the COVID-19 virus protection major.
BALLB / LLB Students Promoted into Next Semester
In the exam, it is compulsory to sanitize exam hall after completing of one sitting exam and before commencing the second sitting examination.
Final word
As per Bar Council of India, All University Law course i.e. BALLB and LLB final/last year examination will be taken online mode and other all exams will not organize, the candidate will be promoted as per previous session examinations.
This order is applied to all State universities. As per Bihar State All University, LNMU, JPU, BRABU, TMBU, BNMU, Patna University, Bodh Gaya University, Munger University and University under central government also have to follow this guideline.
How to know the Law Course Exam for your University?
To know your university will take the exam online or you will be directly promoted into the next session course, visit your university official website.