All School Instructed by NCERT about Cyberbullying/Cyber harassment

By | May 3, 2018
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Every school in India connecting to the internet is good to making digitalization. All the things for easy access to Information and more interactive Study material. Benefits of connecting to the internet students of all ages can get much more as expecting.

New Update for School 

If they are using the platform of the internet is more secure and more easily accessible for conveying of these things for aware of cyber bowling and cyber harassment. NCERT has been issued that notice to every school for taking concern about cyber threat.

New guidelines for School by NCERT 

Every school is given guideline by NCERT to make secure their school campus Wi-Fi more secure password protected and protected from the virus. National Council Council of Education Research and training NCERT has released the guideline in 3 part.

NCERT  guideline in 3 Section 

1 parents 

2 schools

s. Teachers

This issue guideline they have been instructed for what to do and what not to do. Teachers are instructed for checking out the all browsing history of the devices which students are using. 

What type of Activities they do on the internet it. 

Use Licence Application & Service 

This step has been taken for signing out past event of crimes of harassment cyber bowling. Now all the schools have to Make Secure their Wi-Fi and use only verified trusted company software or third party applications which is a licence. 

Before using third party application 

To avoid any kinds of cyberbullying Cyberharassment as per parents point of view it is the good incentive by NCERT. To instruct every teacher and school for about cyber threat, parents should we also take care of it. If their children are using internet watch out what they do and that is good for them or not. 

Willing to share any kinds of information with us about cyber threats or cyber crime then please let us know through the comments. 

Author: Anil Kumar

I have completed a Master's Degree in Literature and am a co-founder of '' On this website, we provide education updates and useful content for visitors to help shape their careers.

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