Bihar Board 12th Exam 2018 English Question Paper Important | BSEB Inter English LL 100 Marks question 2018 Expecting

By | February 2, 2018
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In the Intermediate English subject play vital role to score good marks in Board examination of class 12th. Students who are going to participate in the Bihar Board intermediate annual examination 2018. Students of Bihar face some difficulty to score marks in the English subject. This year BSEB in Inter exam has made a change in the examination pattern. Bihar Board English Subject there will be 50 question will be asked objective type and rest of question subjective. On this page we have mentioned the BSEB 12th Important Question, VVIP English Question, Bihar Board Class 12th Important English question. on this page, we  have updated the very very important Bihar Board Intermediate annual examination Question of English. Students can keep in touch with us to Download Bihar Board English Question MCQ Answer sheet, through the link at below after the examination.  

BSEB English Important Question 2018 

  1. Write an essay in about 150 to 200 words on anyone

A. An Indian festival    B- Price-Rise

C- The book you like most   D- Women Education

E – The season you like most/The Spring season    F- Provision alcohol from Bihar 

G – Television     H- Corruption

I- Newspaper   J- A Discipline life 

K- Terrorism  L – Railway Journey 

2. Explain any two of the following

a. sweetest love I do not goe, 

For weariness of tee 

Nor is the hope the world can show.  

b. Here lies a most beautiful lady 

 light of step and heart was she

I think she was in west the most beautiful lady

That ever was seen in the West Country. 

c-. I have fall faith in my people that they will bring, 

forth the energy requisite for the

satisfactory performance of this dual task. 

d. ” We noticed that the mind is a restless bird,

the more it gets the more it wants ,  and still remain unsatisfied.” 

e. Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity, 

For he’s friend on feline shape, a monster of depravity. 

f. ” It never forgets and 20 years since

as I consigne my first born to flames. ” 

4. Write a letter to your friend describing an annual function of your college.      


Write an application to the principal for issuing a character certificate. 

5. Answer any five following. 

a. What is the element of drama? 

b. Name two books of Shakespeare

c. what is the poet impress of a lady in Poem  ‘An Epitaph’?

d. What happened to the house after grandmother dies? 

e. What does the story ‘The  Earth depict’ 

f. In what sense does the fire forget its dead? 

g. In what sense does the sun conspire with autumn?

6. Answer any three of three write a following?

A- Write a summary of anyone 

(i.) Snack  (ii) An Epitaph ( iii)  Fire Hymn (iv) The Soldier 

B – Write the summary for anyone

a. Bharat is my home b. A child is born

c Marriage proposal 

7. Write a short note on future of English       Or        Write Short notes on modern English

8. Discuss the importance of English for Indian       Or      Write a short note on English as the second language of India

9. Translate any five of following in English 

क्या यह मेरा घर है, यह एक अच्छा इंसान है | हमें सब का आदर करना चाहिए| तुम क्यों उदास ह ो?, 

मैं शिक्षक बनूंगा,  बिहार की राजधानी है , गंगा एक पवित्र नदी है,  तुम्हें भारत देश के लिए कुछ करना चाहिए | तुम अपने जीवन संवारने के लिए क्या करोगे|  

Hope that you find the details for which you are searching through Bihar Board 2018 English 100 Marks question, BSEB LL English question, Bihar Board 100 Marks English Vip question, BSEB Question paper of LL English 2018. If you wish to know anything about the Bihar School Examination Board Class 12th LL English Question or answer key with the solution they ask through the comment.

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