Bihar School Examination Board, Patna like to clear all the BSEB intermediate pending result 2017. BSEB Intermediate Examination Council is also accepting the online examination form for the students who whose result are showing in the pending. Here is the useful information for the students who have to apply for Bihar Boars Scrutiny Result, but after the longtime, their result is showing pending. A huge number of students has been asked that Bihar Board 12th Scrutiny Result 2017 is showing pending what to do. Students can fill the BSEB Intermediate 2018 Examination application online find details and link below.
BSEB Scrutiny Result Exam Form Apply
Students who have applied for the Bihar School Examination Board Scrutiny but their result is showing pending such students can also fill the application and Scrutiny Result of all will be declared before the examination. Students who passed in the examination they can get refund Examination fee and their examination Form will be canceled. If the result will show fail in the subject then students have to re-appear in the Board Examination. Students can apply for the re-appear in the Board Examination from their respective schools/college.
Bihar Board 12th Scrutiny Result Pending Declare details
बिहार बोर्ड इंटरमीडिएट एग्जामिनेशन, पटना अभी इंटर का परीक्षा फॉर्म फरने के लिए लिंक खोल दिये है | जो विधार्थी स्क्रूटिनी के लिए अप्लाई कर चुके है तथा उनका रिजल्ट अभी तक पेंडिंग शो कर रहा है , ऐसे सभी विधार्थी भी बिहार बोर्ड इंटर एग्जाम २०१८ के लिए आवेदन कर सकते है , अगर 12th स्कूटी रिजल्ट 2017 में पास हो जाते है, तो एग्जामिनेशन फॉर्म कैंसिल हो जायेगा तथा एग्जामिनेशन फी भी वापस मिल जायेगी |
Bihar Board Examination Fee is 1350/-
Students can apply last by the 12/12/2017 Online Application Form. Remeber Examination Form can be only filled by the School Principal login Id only. The student can not fill Bihar Board Examination Form even who have applied for the Scrutiny.