Bihar Board 10th Topper 2023 Name / List – BSEB Matric 2023 District Wise Topper Name

By | March 29, 2023
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Bihar Board Matric Topper List 2023 – BSEB 10th Result pdf: Bihar School Examination Board Released the Topper List 2023. Now Active Link to Check Bihar Board Matric Result 2023, Announced the Bihar Board Class 10th State Topper Name and District Wise Topper List. This year it will be very interesting to know from which district students Topped in Matric Annual Examination 2023. If you are also interested to know Bihar Board 10th Topper List 2023 (District Wise) In this post you can. 

Bihar Board 10th Topper List 2023

So keep in touch with us after the declaration of result and release of list official. We will also provide the name of such students If possible then we will also provide the roll number of students and their school details from where they gain the knowledge and participate in the exam. 

Bihar Board Matric Result Topper 

 10th Topper Bihar board 2023
Name: School: District & Marks will update here 

 Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 Topper List in Hindi 

बिहार बोर्ड मेट्रिक परीक्षा 2023 का रिजल्ट जारी करने के साथ ही पहले टॉपर का नाम जारी, साथ ही साथ बिहार बोर्ड मेट्रिक रिजल्ट Topper ज़िले वाइज लिस्ट जारी करती हैजिसमे विधार्थी का नाम, स्कूल का नाम और कुल प्राप्तांक के साथ डिवीज़न सबंधित जानकारी देती है |

Bihar Board Matric Result 2023 Announce Date 

What they will get the prize from the State Government and districts also we will inform about it. Here also try to find out how they scored good marks in the exam. So their others will also know the best way to score the highest marks & what was their study method.

How to Check Bihar Board Result you can find on our YouTube Channel – Result For

In which way they were studying so scored high marks. This will help you to study in a good way and how to study so you can also score good marks in any exam. 

Bihar topper 2023 class 10 list 

Students who will top in Bihar board 10th exam they get the scholarship for their study. If the interested to get admission in class 11th schools will give them admission free of cost. School  provide all study material and education to them free of cost.

Bihar Board 10th/Matric Topper Students list 2023 
Rank HolderBSEB 10th Topper NameSchool NameTotal Marks
BSEB Bihar Board Topper 2023 Matric Exam Result 

If you like to share your feedback or want to ask about the Bihar board Matric examination Result then let us send us through the comment.

Bihar Board 10th Topper List All District 2022 pdf : यहां जाने किस जिले 
 Name             Marks                 District
1- रामायणी रॅाय- 487               औरंगाबाद
2- सानिया कुमारी- 486             नवादा
2- विवेक कुमार ठुकार- 486        मधुबनी
3- प्रज्ञा कुमारी- 485                 औरंगाबाद
4- निर्जला कुमारी- 484               पटना
5- अनुराग कुमार- 483               भोजपुर
5- सुसेन कुमार- 483                  जमुई
5- निखिल कुमार- 483                 केरई
6- मुस्कान खातून- 482                भोजपुर
6- प्रिया राज- 482                     जमुई
6- अंशु कुमारी- 482                   भागलपुर
6- सत्यम कुमार- 482                  समस्तीपुर
6- प्रियांशु कुमार- 482                  समस्तीपुर
6- रिंकी कुमारी- 482                   भोजपुर
6- एमडी मौसम राजा- 482            कटासारी शिवहरी
6- जैकी कुमार- 482                          पटना
7- शंभु कुमार- 481                         औरंगाबाद
7- शिवम ब्रजराज- 481                   नालंदा
7- मोहम्मद हारिस एराजी- 481            मुंगेर
8- रोहित कुमार-  480                         शिवहर
8- सत्यम सारथी- 480                        जमुई
8- श्वेता भारती- 480                        भागलपुर
8-  रणधीर कुमार 480                    गया
8- अविनाश कुमार  480                  समस्तीपुर
9- त्रिपाठी राज  479                      औरंगाबाद
9 सावन कुमार सिन्हा 479                    किशनगंज
9 सोनाली कुमारी  479                      पटना
9 – राजीव कुमार-  479                            जमुई
9 – सौरभ कुमार-    479                       लखीसराय
9- निशांत राज-    479                               मुंगेर
9- अतुल कुमार सिंह-      479                  कैमूर
10- मुस्कान कुमारी-      478                 नवादा
10- रंजय कुमार-         478                     गया
10- आयुष कुमार-           478                  जमुई
10 – ऋषिकांत कुमार-         478                जमुई
10- त्रिवेणी नारायण प्रिय-     478               रोहतास
10- चंदन कुमार-                    478               गया
10- परमानंद यादव-           478                  बांका
10- मोहम्मद सैफ अली-       478               गोपालगंज
10- प्रियांशु कुमारी-         478                   शिवहर
10- सचिन कुमार-             478                लखीसराय
10- खुशी कुमारी-        478                       मुंगेर
10-विपिन कुमार-        478                 कल्याणपुर
10- आनंद कुमार-        478                  भागलपुर
10- हिमांशु  शेखर-       478               वेस्ट चंपारण
10- गोपाल कुमार-          478              सहरसा
10-ज्योति कुमारी-           478                 नालंदा
Bihar Board 10th/Matric Topper Students list 2022
Rank HolderBSEB 10th Topper NameSchool NameTotal Marks
1Ramayani RoyDaudnagar Aurangabad487
2Vivek KumarMadhubani486
4Nirjala KumarPatna Mahadev High School484
5Anurag KumarBhojpur Sarvodaya High School483
5Susan KumarMirzaganj Aliganj Jamui483
5 Nikhil KumarKerai Higher Secondary School483

This might be an offer by many of schools/ colleges for teaching such as intelligent students. There school students might be also more benefit from the topper of the Bihar board because students will be inspired by them. by seeing how they study and knowing study skills from them.

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