Bihar Constable upcoming Exam Cancelled || Bihar Sipahi Bharti Pariksha 20 Jan update

By | January 17, 2020
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Bihar Constable upcoming Exam Cancelled: Many of the lakhs students have to take part in the Bihar Police Constable Examination yet and many of the lakh candidate given an exam on the 12th January 2020. Central Selection Board of Constable CSBC is going to allot new exam center for the CSBC Constable Examination 2020 & As per announced schedule exam was going to held on 20th January 2020 but it extended.

Now candidate who have to appear in the Bihar Constable / Sipahi Bharthi exam on 20th December 2020. they are looking for Bihar Police Costanbe Exam New Date and Bihar Siphahi Bharti Pariksha New Center Details. 

Bihar Police Constable Exam New Date 2020 

As per various sources, e-newspaper Central Selection Board of Constable will take some time to allot new exam center and announce the date for the examination. It is expecting that CSBC Police Constable Exam 2020 will be taken for Recruitment notification number 2/2019 in the mead of the February 2020. 

20 जनवरी को होने वाली बिहार पुलिस कांस्टेबल / सिपाही भर्ती परीक्षा रद्द – जल्द तारिक और केंद्र की जानकारी दी जायेगी |

 Events  Date 
 CSBC Police Constable Exam 2019  20 January 2020 – Cancelled 
 Notice Release Date  15th January 2020 
CSBC Police Constable Exam New Date   Announce Soon 

Bihar Police Constable Exam Center 

As per Announced notification Board has cancelled the Exam center which has been allotted for 20th January 2020. Now CSBC will allot and announce new exam center roll number wise, where the candidate has to take part in the Recruitment examination 2019-20. 

Check Update for Bihar Police Constable Exam 12th January 2020 Answer key Update 

bihar police constable exam notification for date and center

bihar police constable exam notification for date and center

बिहार सिपाही भर्ती परीक्षा जो 20 जनवरी हो होने वाली थी उसे रद्द कर दिया गया है | अब संस्था नई डेट और दूसरा परीक्षा केंद्र की सुचना जल्द ही आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जारी कर दिया जायेगा | अनुमान है की अब बिहार पुलिस कांस्टेबल वैकन्सी का परीक्षा अब फरवरी माह के अंत तक लिया जायेगा बिहार बोर्ड के दसमी और बारहमी के परीक्षा के बाद | 

 Authority  Central Selection Board of Constable CSBC
 Category  Vacancy update 
 Exam  Name  Police Constable 
 Exam Status  Cancelled 
 New Date & Center  Announce Soon 
 Expecting Date  February 2020 
 Cancelled Date  20 January 2020 
Where to get New Exam Center for CSBC Siphari Bharti Exam 

The candidate is suggested to keep in touch with us or regular basis visits the official website of Central Selection Board of Constable CSBC to get an update for exam date and exam center. 

 More Details  CSBC Website 

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