Bihar Primary Class Half Year Exam Result | Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan Primary Class 1 to 8 Result

By | July 9, 2019
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Students who are studying in the Bihar government school in class 1 to 8 and take part in the Half Term-end exam 2019, such students will be able to see their result at their respective school after the 21st October 2019. Bihar Primary School Primary Class Exam has been taken around the Bihar and after the exam answer sheet has been sent to the District office for the evaluation. Evaluation work will be got over lastly by 20 October and by the 21st October 2019 Result will be sent to the respective school.

Bihar Primary Class 1st to Class 8th Result 

This is a half year exam and in this exam, all school check the performance level of the students section-wise and as per report they teach students and divide in the section for the better performance. In the Final year Result for the primary class, half-year exam result also matter and attendance also. 

Bihar Primary Class Half Year Exam Result 2019 

 Organisation  Bihar Primary School Education Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan 
 Category  Result 
 Exam Name  Half-year 
 Class  Primary 1st to 8th 
 Result Mode  Offline 
 Result Date  After 21st October 2019 

Primary Exam Result for half year exam 

To check or know half year exam result students have to go to their respective school only. on the school, the result announced and informed to the students. Education authority does not provide the exam result for Half year online mode using the roll number. 

Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan Primary Class 1 to 8 Result 2019

Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan is running around the India Rural area. Result got some delay due to some holidays and now evaluation work is on the last stage and result will be sent to all the school and school administration will be publically update the results for half year examination. 

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