BSEB Chemistry Practical Exam Questions Details 2019

By | October 10, 2018
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Bihar Board Inter practical exam is likely to start. Now Bihar schools examination board Patna is ready to take the exam from the students who have successfully completed all the term and condition to participate in the examination, as well applied for participate in the Bihar board intermediate examination.

Before filling form 2019 with the help of principal passed in the sent up examination. Students who have to appear in Chemistry Practical Exam they are searching for BSEB Chemistry Practical Exam Questions, Question type in the inter chemistry practical question, how Bihar Board Intermediate Chemistry Practical Exam will be conducted.

Below we have mentioned every detail of Intermediate Practical Exam 2019 details and given a useful link to read more about Bihar Board Inter 2019 Chemistry Practical Exam. 

Bihar Board Chemistry Practical Exam 2019

In the chemistry, practical exam students have to give the exam in the many ways for obtained 30 marks. First of all, you may know that Bihar board from this year going to ask 50% objective type questions from each subject. In Chemistry subject also Bihar board will be on 15 alternative objective type question (MCQ) and students have to answer of this question on the OMR sheet and rest remain of 15 marks students have to answer for is three round 5 mark each round.

In this section answer of one’s subjective type question answer around 500 words, there will be an alternative question will be given for it.

In Bihar Board Inter Exam of practical IInd Phase

In this phase professor of chemistry, a subject will be asked questions from the students. students have to answer the question in this section. Question maybe ask for the combination of chemicals and some questions regarding the chemistry reaction & syllabus of this subject after the answer of its correct answer students will be given 5 marks for the round of Viva. This section called Viva.

Making of inter chemistry subject practical file

Students have to submit one practical/ project file in which they have to answer the 5 questions. In this practical question describe with diagram and all the reaction and all the process of the chemistry subject question. After making the project/ file students have to a checked out from their respective subject teacher.

After the verified from them and mention of the date on which project / practical file has been made it will be submitted at the Practical Examination Centre which has been mentioned on BSEB PRACTICAL EXAM ADMIT CARD to the students. There will be Five 5 mark will be given to it.

Bihar Board Inter Chemistry Practical Question 

For the practical and well aware about the Practical Examination question, We on this page provide the link to the download of Practical Question Paper for Chemistry Subject. Students are suggested to bookmark this website to get updated information about the Bihar School Examination Board. 

Bihar Board Intermediate Examination (Practical Test) Question Paper 
 1 Chemistry Practical Questions View / Download  – Soon
Chemistry BSEB Practical Exam Help 

If you are also one of the students who have to participate in the chemistry subject practical exam and want to know any more things about this exam. As well have any theory of the practical exam of chemistry subject then you can ask through the below comment section.  Best of luck for the chemistry subject practical examination by Bihar School Examination Board, Patna. 

4 thoughts on “BSEB Chemistry Practical Exam Questions Details 2019

    1. admin Post author

      Any of Five Question or Contact to your school/Collge – Please mention date of practical work


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