BSEB Compartmental Inter Science/Arts Exam Form Apply Process Step wise @

By | June 15, 2018
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Easy to fill up Examination Form of the compartment, we on this page provided completed detail stepwise. Who are going to apply for BSEB Intermediate compartmental/Supplementary Examination have to go through the stepwise?. 

Important to fillup Exam form can be done only online mode. It can apply using school/college user id and password which has been already earlier provided to respective school/College principal/Administration mobile number through the SMS. The fee can be paid online using sabpaisa payment gateway a Delhi Base Payment gateway company. Easy to avail the information we on this web page described apply process from login portal of BSEB Compartmental exam apply screen short.  

Bihar Board Compartmental/Supplementary Exam Form fee can be paid through the Debit Card/Credit Card or Net Banking or by challan using Cash or NEFT. This information is provided up to you by the result for dot in a website.

BSEB 12th Compartment Exam Form Filling Process 

Students are eligible for appearing in the compartmental exam or net can be checked out using students registration number or roll number. only students who are failing in one or two subjects can apply. students who fail in NRB or MB one subject have to participate in both subject examination. 

 Click Here To Apply Online 

How to Apply Bihar Board Inter Compartmental Exam Form 2018 

To Apply BSEB 12th Supplementary/Compartmental Exam form first need to log on the official web portal of BSEB Compartmental Exam at Or click here 

A Login Portal will be open as below image shows, Then have to enter 

  • Enter User ID 
  • Enter Password and click on Login 

                                                image source and credit 

 After that BSEB College, wise/School wise Compartmental Exam Apply portal will be open as image show. 

                                                              Image source and credit 

Then Select School – Automatically selected yours. 

  • Choose – Compartmental form Applying For option 
  • Select Year – March 2018 
  • Enter Students Roll number or Registration Number 
  • Then Select Code of your School/College or the tagged 

Click on Search Students details will be open as below image shows. 

                                      Image source and credit 

After confirming the details click on Next 

Then the details of students confirmation will be open check details again and confirm all are true.

                                                  image source and credit

  •  Then click on Declaration, then click on Update. 
  • Then the student photo and sign will be shown as below shows. 

                                        image source and credit

Then Conform the photo as the same of students and confirm the format of students signature then click on proceed and then a popup will open about Are you sure want to proceed to click on OK

BSEB Compartment Exam Fee Payment 

Students form will be filled completely than have to make a payment which link will be updated by the board later on. As Payment Portal will be open we will update steps for making payment of Bihar board 2018 compartmental Examination Form

Aspirants or visitors need any information then ask through the comments, we try to provide an answer to the query from the BSEB authorized persons. 

52 thoughts on “BSEB Compartmental Inter Science/Arts Exam Form Apply Process Step wise @

  1. Nikhil yadav

    Sir agar mai english alternative and math , or chemistry me yadi fail hu to examdene hoga….sir pleze replye fastly….
    Koi acha upaaye v bataaiyega…..

  2. Prem Kumar

    How to generate user name and password to fill compartment form. I am not able to find new user/student registration form. Please help me here.
    Waiting for your valuable response…

    Thanks in Advance.

    1. admin Post author

      Dear visitor
      I would like to inform you that User id and password has been sent to the School principal by SMS, Compartmental exam form can be filled by School Principal or Staff only.

    1. admin Post author

      804 Rupees for Transaction charge + School/college charge

        1. admin Post author

          804 + Transaction charge hai + school ke charge . total cost think hai.


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