Bihar School Examination Board, Patna for making better education board has changed some of the pattern of the New Examination and Question Paper Pattern for Intermediate Class 12 Board Exam. Board has decreased the passing percentage of Board examination. Students who are going to take part in the Bihar board Intermediate Class 12th board Examination students must aware about the new pattern of Intermediate Class 12 Board Exam 2020. First & Big update Board has updated the NRB + MB subject replace with one subject of 100 Marks. Let’s Explore the updates about the Bihar board Inter Exam Pattern 2020.
Bihar Board BSEB Inter Exam Question Pattern
From the last two previous Exam Board introduced 50% Multiple Choice Questions in every subject. In the Board, Exam Students have to write the answer of 50% Objective Type Questions & 50 % Non-Objective type Question (Subjective Type).
Add more Alternative Question
For better score marks in the Board Exam, BSEB has introduced more alternative questions in short and long and very long type question. Adding more option question for write answer. Just for exam If any question is allotted for 05 Marks then Board gives 3 Question in it and students have to write answer only for one. It becomes beneficial to suppose there was only one question in that section that question answer does not know then there is no chance to get marks but adding a question as an option.
Board Exam Question Paper Pattern / Structure
Subject with Practical: In the Board exam there are many subjects in inter which practical also included for such subject is divided marks wise in two sections. The subject is for 100 Marks divided (70 for Written + 30 for Practical)
Subject list with practical: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Entrepreneurship, Psychology, Geography, Home Science, Multimedia & Web Technology, Computer Science, Yoga & Physical Education.
- Written Exam Divided into section (Section A & B)
- Section A contains 35 objective type questions & each question carry one marks.
- Section B contains question with short and long type questions which categorize with 02 Marks & 05 Marks. In section, B Contain totals of 18 Questions.
Marking Pattern of Question Structure | |||
Question Type | Questions Number | Need to Answer | Allotted Marks |
Objective Type Question ( MCQ) | 35 | 35 | 35 |
Type of Question: Short | 18 | 10 | 20 |
Type of Question: Long | 06 | 03 | 15 |
Total Marks | 70 |
Without practical Contain 100 Marks in Theory Paper
- List of subjects- English, Mathematics, Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics, History, Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Maithili.
Questions Category Two Objective & Subjective
- Section A there is 50 objective type question which compulsory. All Question Carry one marks & no negative marking system, Have to answer on OMR Sheet.
- Section B: In This Section Question given short and long type questions, there is 25 short answer type question each carries 2 Marks, out of which only 15 questions are to be answered.
- In this section 08 long answer type question out of which 04 questions are to be answered each carrying 05 Marks.
100 Marks Subject without Practical | |||
Questions Type | Number of Questions | A question to be the answer | Allotted Marks |
MCQ Objective Type | 50 | 50 | 50 |
Short Answer Type | 25 | 15 | 30 |
Long Question Type | 08 | 04 | 20 |
Total Marks | 100 |
MCQ Exam on OMR Sheet
Now the board gives OMR Sheet in the all subject exam for write answer. On OMR Sheet all details of students have been already printed there is no need to mentioned. Students have to only answer the objective answer through the coloring the circle. Must remember that color the circle correctly and do not use any whitener or any blade or liquid.
Replace of NRB + MB Subject with 100 Marks Subject Questions
Board has introduced the new pattern in the subject of NRB + MB. Earlier Board has offered 50 Marks +50 Marks Two language subject. But now the board has replaced both subjects with one subject of language. Now students have to opt two language Subject each of one 100 Marks. Students can opt two language subject as per their choice, but no one subject opted twice.
BSEB Intermediate List of Subject 2020 For Board Exam.
Subject choice | Marks |
Language 01 | (Hindi/English)- 100 Marks |
Language 02 | 1 The subject of language from – 12 |
Optional main 1 | 100 Mark |
Optional main 2 | 100 Marks |
Optional main 3 | 100 Marks |
Additional Subjects | 100 Marks |
Additional / Optional Subjects
Board offers one additional subject which is optional. The additional subject takes or not take it depends on the Subjects. In the science stream, Physics & chemistry is compulsory and the rest of the subject can be taken as per choice.
BSEB pre-Printed OMR Sheet & Answer Sheet
In India, the first Bihar Board is the Board which first introduced the Students pre-details students on omr sheet and answer sheet. From this academic session now students photograph will be also printed. Earlier student pre details which found it, Name Roll Number, Roll Code Registration, Subject Code and Date of Examination along with Photograph are pre-printed on the answer sheet. There is only a need for the signature on the answer sheet by the students.
How Board Release Result For Exam very First
Now board use OMR Sheet & Answer sheet computer reading base system after the evaluation teacher just put marks on answer sheet OMR Copy & it make faster marking and making results just by one click.
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