Bihar School Examination Board – BSEB Patna has been uploaded the Format for intermediate Teacher List 2017. Every schools/College and Institute in Bihar which is affiliated to Bihar Board they are informed to send the Working Teacher list to the Board. In the Format which is published by the Bihar School Examination Board Website NAME OF HEAD OF INSTITUTION AS WELL AS TEACHER, SUBJECT OF APPOINTMENT, “NAME OF HEAD OF INSTITUTION AS WELL AS TEACHER, SUBJECT OF APPOINTMENT “DESIGNATION, ” GENDER “, DIFFERENTLY ABLED CATEGORY (Y/N), ” % OF DIFFERENTLY ABLED CATEGORY , “QUALIFICATION” “DATE OF JOINING”, “DATE OF RETIREMENT”, “TOTAL TEACHING EXPERIENCE (IN YEAR)” , “CONTACT NO.”, E.mail.Id, “BANK A/C DETAIL”, “AADHAR NO.”, “FULL SIGNATURE OF TEACHER” & “PASSPORT SIZE PHOTO (RECENT)”, BANK NAME, Bank A/C No. and IFSC CODE.
BSEB Inter/ Matric Teacher List Download
Every schools and college are informed the download the Bihar School Examination Format of Matric and Inter teacher list 2017. As there will get any notification of what to do with the Format of TEacher make ready the format which has been uploaded on the website. Administration of Schools and colleges of Bihar may be required to send the excel form format or download and fill up the form physically and submit it to the District Education office (BDO office of your district)
How to download Intermediate Teacher list
Visit the official website of Bihar board at –
On the official website on the latest update section click on Format of Intermediate Teacher list
After click Format/ Form will be automatically downloaded – Download ->
Format for intermediate Teacher List
How to download Matric –
Format for Metric Teacher List Same process which is above given or directly click on the link
What to do with Teacher List of Inter 2018
Presently Download the Inter/Matric Teacher list format and Fill up the format with all the details which are mentioned and also make the excel sheet for time to provide. Regarding it any information we will get on the official website we will update. Keep in touch with our time to time update.
Hope that you may also search – New notification for Bihar Board, the Latest update from the Bihar board, new notification from the Bihar Board. Here we always try to provide the all the details related to Bihar board for the Students as well other.
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