Everyone willing to score good marks in any of the examinations. If we talk about board exam then it’s is too much important as per students point of view. Hence every examinee would like to score good marks in the examination. So that we seen that before the board exam students work harder and smarter as well join addtitional classes for clear all concept and this will help them to obtain knowlege.
Inter exam result important
Academic exam result like class 10th & class 12th is the big matter for a choice of courses. 12th Result matter of courses is big for all. As it is also useful for taking admission in UG Courses. According to mark counselling able to analysis level of students. We would like to also tell knowedge is the best things than score good marks. If we have knowledge then we surely can score high marks in every examination either of board or any competition.
Inter Mark is a matter for jobs too
When any competitor qualifies any of the entrance examinations for the job then go for interview/documents verification that time academic marks help counsellor evaluation the person.
Academic marks paly gig for at all especially for class 10th and Class 12th marks which students scored in board examination. this marks help them to get admission in bachelors degree courses as well help them to the choice carrier/future courses to sharp their carrier.
इंटर नंबर महत्वपूर्ण
विधार्थियो का बारहमी का नंबर ग्रेजुएशन करने के लिये एडमिशन करवाने में हेल्प के साथ विधार्थियो के अच्छी जॉब मिलने में सहता करती है| खास तौर पर अगर विधार्थी सरकारी naukari karna chahte thai to unko 10th marks and 12th Board marks हेल्प करती है | Jo counslar hote है, jo नंबर के हिसाब से आसानी के जज कर पते है तथा ुन्सी हिसाब से उनसे प्रश्न बे पूछते है | जैसे ही आप को पता ही होगा की ऑनलाइन फॉर्म फेरते समय सरे डिटेल्स देना होता है |