Inter Registration Name Correction/Father’s Name Correction/ Mother’s Name Spelling Correct Application Form Online Download at

By | December 8, 2018
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Hello Students! Here for easy to download online application Form of Registration Card Correction. If you need o download BSEB Inter Registration Correction application Form then you can download the application form and submit it to school/college where you have taken admission. After forwarding to BSEB Divisional office. 

Bihar Board Inter Registration/Admit Card Correction 2019 Exam 

Here is result for your search about BSEB Inter Registration Card, Online Application Download of BSEB Inter Registration Correction, using these application students can apply for Correction in registration. 

SSC ASI Exam ResultsBSEB 12th Registration/Admit Correction New Update Here 

After the correction is the registration card Admit card and Marksheet will be print correctly. Below is details on the link has been given.  

Bihar Board Registration Card Name Correction Process 

Download the Application Form for the name correction. This application can be used by the students to make the correction in their registration card intermediate all stream students. Students by self also can write the application in this format and go through the process which has been described. 

Please Note: Submit the photocopy of Documents like Registration Card or Dummy Admit Card.

      Application Format has been mentioned below 

सेवा में

श्रीमान प्रधानाचार्य महोदय

…………………………………………………… ( बिहार)


विषय:- पंजीयन पत्र में नाम सुधार के संबंध में |


महाशय सविनय निवेदन है, कि मैं ……… संकाय का नियमित छात्र /छात्रा हूं | मेरा वर्ग  क्रमांक …….. है | मुझे कहना ह, कि बारहमी कक्षा के रजिस्ट्रेशन के दौरान रजिस्ट्रेशन पत्र में मेरा नाम गलत अंकित हो गया है| इसे सुधार करने की कृपया की जाये | जो निम्न प्रकार है |


अंकित नाम –     IN CAPTIAL LETTER 

सही नाम –       IN CAPTIAL LETTER 

अतः श्रीमान से प्रार्थना है कि मेरे पंजीयन पत्र में मेरा नाम सुधार करने की कृपया की जाये, जिससे कि आने वाले प्रमाण पत्रों में किसी भी प्रकार की त्रुटि ना हो | इसके लिए मैं श्रीमान का सदा आभारी रहूंगा|

आपका विश्वास भाजन



सूचीकरण  वर्ष :-

सूचीकरण संख्य ा:-

वर्ग क्रमांक:-

Download Application Form Here 

Students who need to correction in registration card need to download the application or write the application in above-prescribed format and follow the instruction which has been given on this page. 

  • Fill the details correctly like name, Father name and Mother Name and Registration Details. 
  • Submit it to your respective school/College with supporting documents. 
  • Signature on Application your self by a declaration of correction on the application form. 
  • Submit it to your school and forward it to BSEB Divisional office for correction present year and last year students. 
  • Correction can be done at your in case of login portal open. 
  • In Case Principal Login Portal Close 
  • Forwarded application to BSEB Divisional Application. 

After submitting the Application Data will be verified form the HO of BSEB Patna. 

  1. After the process Correction will be done and students then able to receive to get corrected documents. 
  2. Remember: Correction at School/College/Institute can be done only time of correction link will be open, otherwise correction can be done at the BSEB Divisional Office. 
  3. Some Of the Useful Application Details 
  4. Application Format for Apply BSEB Inter/Matric Duplicate Admit Card 
Certificate Correction Details 

Need any type of correction in Registration Card or Any Other certificate need help or willing to know the process of Correction in certificate then ask through the comments. We provide information from the School/College Administration Staff. As we are an authorised website of Some BSEB Affiliated Anudanit Colleges. 

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