Jharkhand Academic Council has been announced the class 12th result for the stream of Science/ commerce on the 16 May 2019. All the students streamwise using Roll number & roll code checked out Results. Among all the students some of the students are not satisfied with the marks which they got in the examination.
Such students who are willing to know about HSC 12th result rechecking of Jharkhand Board, Class 12th result rectify JAC Intermediate Result Scrutiny 2019. Jharkhand academic Council gives a chance to the students to satisfy the marks by the revaluation. JAC 12th intermediate science/ commerce result rectify /re-totaling /rechecking details are updated on this page.
JAC 12th Result Revaluation Apply 2019
Any students who appeared in the Examination and after announce the result not happy with the result and believe that their performance was better than given marks such students can apply for scrutiny. While applying for Result Rechecking, Revaluation has to go through the simple procedure and provide details.
- Name of the applicant
- Father’s Name
- Mother’s Name
- Exam Roll number & Exam Center Code
- School Code and name.
- Subject Marks detail for Apply
The student who wishes to apply they can apply online which link will be active soon and before it, Jharkhand Academic Council will be released the notification for Intermediate result rechecking re-totaling/ rectify.
JAC Intermediate Result Rechecking / Scrutiny
Aspirants who have to apply they have many of the questions before applying. While apply students must aware of the following details which are given.
- Scrutiny Apply Date
- How to Apply
- Last date to apply
- Website for apply
- What is fee
- When Result Scrutiny / Revaluation Result will out
Here on this page, we will update complete information for result rechecking re-totaling/ rectify for Science or Commerce. Aspirants are suggested to keep in touch with us and bookmark this website for allowing to send a notification for all the latest update.
Jharkhand 12th Result ReValuation 2019
Jharkhand Board 12th scrutiny apply aspirants have to apply first be sure about what is the scrutiny /Result Rechecking. so here I would like to mention about the scrutiny: Scrutiny is the process in which board evaluates the marks, which they obtain in the applied subject.
In this they do not evaluate the answer once again in this process they just recount the marks, if any mark not included then they add and re-verify the marks again.
Is rechecking and revaluation same in jac board.How to apply for this??
both are different – Rechecking – means number (Re-Count) count only
Re-Evaluation – in this process all answer and number will be evaluated
when will this rechecking result come out ..???
Sir how can i apply for re-evaluation
regular visit official web portal, before it contact your respective school.
Sir hum apply kiye huwe h but isme jb v check hoga copy us time bulyaa jayeega ya too iska results kb tk milega aur kaise pata chalega
Science 12th ka scrutiny result kab aayega sir
Plz tell me sir
How to apply for reevaluate
For 2019 science result