Hello students! You are welcome on the website of result for dot in. As you know that this website always tries to provide the information about the Examination results and more about an academic board. A large number of aspirants after Checking of Maha Board HSC Result 2019 are not happy and wish to HSC Maha Board Revel application form for answer sheet photocopy and rechecking or Re-Evaluation. If you are such students and not satisfy with Result and wish to know about Maharashtra Board HSC Result 2019 Rechecking or Retotalling, Photocopy Apply form for recheck answer sheet, Board very soon declares the result.
Maharashtra HSC +2 Rechecking Result 2019 Apply/Date
On this web page, we will information for those who wish for easily access information of Maha Board RE-Check 12th Rechecking Result & Apply date, apply process and date and website with a direct link if the online form will be accepted by the MBSHSE.
Maha Board 12th Result Update which announced by MBSHSE on 28 May Check here. As Board will be accepting the application for Re-Checking or Revaluation we will update for same.
Maha Board RE-Check 12th Rechecking
- Board Name:– Maharashtra State Board of Secondary And Higher Secondary Education
- Exam name – HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate)
- Exam date: February
- HSC Result: – Available
- Apply status: Apply now the link is Open
- Result Date – 28 May 2019
- Website: https://mahahsscboard.maharashtra.gov.in
MBSHSE HSC/ 12th Class Exam Marks revaluation
The Maharashtra Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education (MBSHSE) would briefly display the notification concerning the HSC/ 12th Class Examination revaluation/ answers book re-inspection procedure. Such applicant over the google searching for MBSHSE HSC revaluation 2019 online applications/ Revaluation form, Maha Board HSC/ 12th Result 2019 revaluation, revaluation, rechecking paper of HSC Maharashtra, the procedure of rechecking, Maha e-Seva 12th paper rechecking.
Maha Board 12th Result 2019 revaluation
Generally, board after declare of 12th hsc Result within 15 Days, for Maharashtra HSC Rechecking Procedure 2019. After applying by candidates their result/ marks allotted will be re-inspection through applicants Answers sheets. To apply this applicant have to provide such details which are mentioned below.
Apply now HSC Result Verification |
Maharashtra HSC Rechecking Procedure 2019
- Select: Photocopy/ Re-total / Re-Evaluation
- Mentioned for the Desired subject.
- Examination Roll Number
- Exam Center Details with Code
- School Details
- Students HSC Registration Number
Revaluation MAha Board 2019 Apply Procedure Online
- First, visit the official website of MAha Board Educational Web Portal E-Seva.
- Find the link and create an id for applying.
- Log using credentials which created.
- Provide the details which have been mentioned.
- After submit form make payment using an online method or other as instructed.
Revaluation Form Fee-
The Revaluation form fee might be RS 100/- per answer book. – It might change it is expecting. (Update after official declare)
Rule & Regulation of Maha Board
_- Aspirants first need to apply for Photocopy of Answer sheet and then they will be eligible for apply for revaluation or challenge the marks awarded to any question(s).
_- Aspirants can apply for the subject of English Core, English Elective, Functional English, Hindi Core, Hindi Elective, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy only.
=|| Please Note: Above all information is provided is expecting, We on this website after the official declaration we will update and provided the direct link. Having any queries then ask through the comment.
- Please Register for verifying SSC & HSC marksheet.
- Once successfully registered, Please use the Login credentials (Email Id and Password ) to Login
- Enter Valid Exam No, Year, Session, Total Marks
- The marksheet & cerificate is also available in pdf format
Computer Science rechecking. Marks 200 (100 theory[50 hardware+50 software]+ 100 Practical)
I’ve written about 40+ marks in Software. And 45+ in Hardware. And expected 90+ in practicals as everything submitted on time. Still I got 116 marks in this subject. What’s wrong? I wanna recheck.
if i submit the form for rechecking on my various subjects marks then is this compulsory to have present there in board for rechecking ?
Please give me more information !!
No it is not like that u have to upload your answer sheet xerox to further websites
Has rechecking of HSC 2018 maharashtra opened
Could you please guide me to the site
please let me know the site for online hsc revaluation some paper 2018.
I am Rhitik Singh,
Please let me know the status of my English subject Re-checking resolution.
Details below given : –
Seat no. M212684
My Mother Name is Asha singh