Bihar Board Matric Exam 2020 Update: Students those who are going to appear in the Bihar Board Class 10th Exam for such students here are the updates for them. Bihar Board Matriculation Examination is scheduled from the 17th February 2020 to 24th February 2020.
Board has already released the subject wise examination schedule for Class 10th Bihar Board Exam. Students who have to take part in the Class 10th Bihar Board Annual Board Exam such students can now collect their admit Card from their respective school.
Bihar Board Class 10th Examination 2020
Class 10th Exam will be taken into 2 Sitting for every subject. Students can know their exam center location and exam sitting time in their admit card 2020 which issued by the board. Students are allowed to write an answer in the exam in their allowed exam time.
BSEB 10th Exam Main Update
Total of 15 Lakh 29 Thousand students will be taking part in the examination.
Matric 10th Examination is going to conduct at 1368 Examination Center.
In 1st Sitting Total of 7 Lakh 74 Thousand 415 students and in the second sitting 7 Lakh 54 Thousand and 978 students will appear in the exam.
bihar board matric exam update 2020Instruction for the BSEB Xth Students
For taking part in the exam before the exam date goes to the exam center and make arrangements about how to reach the exam center at the time. Students have to enter into exam hall 30 minutes before the commencing the exam. Exam sitting is scheduled as below time.
विधार्थी इन बातो का रखे ध्यान
प्रश्न पत्र, उत्तर पुस्तिका व् ओ एम आर उत्तर पत्रक आदि पढ़ने के लिए 15 मिनट का समय दिया जायेगा
जूता-मोजा पहन कर न जाये
कैलकुलेटर, मोबाइल फ़ोन, ब्लूटूथ ईरफ़ोन या अन्य इलक्ट्रोनिक गैजेट आदि न ले कर जाये
केंद्र पर केवल पेन और एडमिट कार्ड ले कर जाना है
आपस में बातचीत करने पर निष्कर्षित कर दिया जायेगा
उत्तरपुस्तिका, ओ एम आर उत्तर पत्रक पर वाइटनर, इरेज़र, नाख़ून, बल्डेड का इस्तमाल न करे
परीक्षा सुरु होने के एक घटा बाद ही हॉल से निकल सकते है |
Sitting | Exam Time |
1st Sitting | 09: 30 AM to 12:45 PM |
2nd Sitting | 01:45 PM to 05:00 PM |
Students go for the exam in the slipper, Because entering in the exam hall wearing shoes and shocks is banned.
If in the BSEB Matric Admit Card there are photo mistakes then go with same admit card along with one additional document i.e. School Identity Card or Aadhar Card.
Board Examination
Board examination is the first exam for the students. In the Board exam Students have to appear in the exam out of their school. Matriculation marks are important for students for making better carrier. Second things all information i.e. Name spelling and date of birth which all depends as the class 10th Documents.