Nagaland Polytechnic Admission Apply 2020 || Diploma Course Admission

By | May 20, 2020
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Students after passing their High School examination/ 10th class or Intermediate exam want to do a polytechnic course. Polytechnic Course is the Trading course which course duration in 1 year to 3 Year. If you are people of Nagpur state then here you will get details for Nagaland Polytechnic 2020 Application form (Admission).

Nagaland Polytechnic Admission Apply

Through the Polytechnic course Admission form authority will release the Merit list for admission in the Training Institute or Colleges in the State of Nagaland which is Govt. or non-govt. The Department of Technical Education (Nagaland TET) in the official authorities which provide admission to the applicants. 

Nagaland Polytechnic Apply Important Dates 

The candidate who are willing to get admission in Nagaland polytechnic courses they must need to up to date about the All-Important dates of Polytechnic 2020.  



 Online Application Out

  First week of May 2020 

 Form filling Date

  June 2020 

 Last Date to pay the fee

  June 2020 

 Result announcement

   July 2020 

 Counselling starts

  July 2020 

Nagaland Polytechnic Admission Eligibility Criteria 2020 

To get admission into Nagaland Polytechnic Course of Diploma in Engineering and other courses candidate must fit out eligibility criteria. Only the eligible candidate can get admission who full-fill Nagaland Polytechnic 2020 eligibility criteria.


  The Department of Technical Education (Nagaland) 



 Type of Exam

 Admission Test

 Course Name

 Polytechnic / Diploma



 Apply Mode


 Apply Details


 Counselling Mode


 Official Website

Nagaland Polytechnic 2020 Eligibility Criteria




  Indian only 


Candidates must be living in the Nagaland State from last 05 Years. 

Academic Qualification

Candidates should have passed Nagland SSLC / Class 10th or equivalent examination with a minimum of 35%  marks.

The Candidate who are going to fillup the Polytechnic Admission Form they have to pay the application fee as described in the official notification. 

Nagaland Polytechnic Application Form Fee 2020 

 Fee Category wise  Update after the official Conformation 

The detailed procedure to fill the Polytechnic Application form is mentioned below. Let’s know the steps to fill the Karnataka Polytechnic 2020 Admission Application Form. 

Nagaland Polytechnic Admission Form 2020  

Step 1: First visit the official website and create user and password by registration their self on the portal. Registration can be done by filling details example Name of the candidate, Date of Birth, Father’s Name and Mother’s Name and other details like Mobile Number and Email id. 

Step 2: Filling Details: After that use user id and password and login for filling forms. Then you require to fill the details i.e. Address, Educational details and other details of citizen-ship and others. 

Step 3: Uploading photo and Signature: In this step candidate require to upload scanned passport photo and signature and submit the form. 

Step 4: In this step applicant require to pay the application fee which is applicable. 

 Apply Update and Other Updates Nagaland Polytechnic 
If you have query then please ask through the comment with active email id to get answers.

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