Students of Bihar School Examination Board can receive there Admit Card from respective schools, where they have taken admission & going to participate in Bihar Board Class 10th Annual Examination in the month of February. Bihar School Examination Board is going to taking matriculation annual examination from the students from all the government and private school class 10th students.
Bihar Board 10th Admit Card Correction
For participating in the matriculation examination admit card is necessary to document. After receiving BSEB Matric Admit Card some of the students find some of mistakes in spelling in their name, Father name, Mothers name and date of birth etc. For Correction in BSEB Admit card of Class 10th link date has been extended.
Correction in BSEB Matric Admit Card
If there are any spelling mistakes or any kinds of other mistakes students are suggested to contact their respective schools for Bihar Board 10th admit card correction online, Online Bihar Board 10th Admit Card Correction link has been opened. some of the students are searching how to make an online correction in BSEB Matric Admit Card, Way to correction in Bihar board Xth Admit Card.
New Update: 20 Sept 2019: Now Dummy Admit Card for the year 2020 Exam available to Download and link for Correction is open till 24th September 2019.
New Update: 26/10/2018 >> Bihar School Examination Board has been extended the date for the Making Correction in Admit Card of Matric. Now BSEB Tenth Admit Card Correction link will be opened 26th October to 30th Oct 2018.
Before further information, I would like to inform that correction in Admit Card of Bihar Board Class Xth 2018 can be done online using user id and password. User Id and password are confidential, It can be used by School principal or authorise person only.
How to Online Correction in Bihar board Tenth Admit Card 2018
- Visit the official website of
- Enter user id and password
- Click on Login
- School Dashboard will be open
- Click on Examination 2018
- Click on Correction / Edit Link front of students Name
- Make corrections & update the data
- Correction on the same time can be done
BSEB 2018 Matric Admit Card correction
Note: This link will be open until 29-01-2018 for correction, then the link will be closed. All the students check there all the details in their Bihar board class 10th admit card 2018 and find any mistake or need for correction, then as much as possible contact to your school’s. Because after this link will not open for the correction.
How to Make Correction BSEB 10th Admit Card by Students
- Visit your respective school, Where you filled exam form
- collect Dummy Admit Card
- check Detail in Dummy Admit Card
- If any mistake then, on the photocopy of admit card make a correction on the same page.
- Submit it lastly by 30/10/2018 to your school administration/Principal.
Know Bihar Board Matriculation Examination 2019 Program Update
Students who wish to know anything about the Bihar board Class 10th Matric Admit Card correction, or having any queries regarding BSEB then ask through the comment.