Bihar Board inter Examination is going to start in the Month of February 2018. Students who are going to appear in the Intermediate examination 2018 they all are busy to prepare for the examination. As students must be aware of the Bihar board has been going to implement the new pattern. Hence students want to download the BSEB Hindi Model paper, Hindi Sample Sample. The student must be aware that in the all question there will be 50 % question will be objective type. Below we have mentioned the completed details of Bihar board 2018 Hindi Sample Paper.
BSEB 2018 Hindi Sample Paper Revised Exam Pattern
Here is going to describe the question format of Bihar Board Hindi Exam Sample Paper of 100 Marks. In the 100 Marks, Hindi Question Paper in the Term-end annual exam question will be as below mentioned. For easy understand about the Bihar Board Inter Exam Model Sample paper of Hindi described in the Hindi.
Intermediate examination 2018 Exam Model Sample paper of Hindi
कुल निर्धारित अंक – 100 / विषय समूह – हिंदी
- वस्तुनिष्ठ, एकल सही उत्तरीय प्रश्नों की कुल संख्या – 50 कुल निर्धारित अंक 50, प्रत्येक प्रश्न का एक अंक होगा | परीक्षा ओ एमआर शीट के माध्यम से ली जायेगी |
- वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न कुल 50 अंकों का होगा| जिसमें निबंध, व्याख्या, पत्र-लेखन, संक्षेपण, अपठित गद्यांश आदि से संबंधित कुछ प्रश्न पूछे जायेंगे | अंको का विवरण निमावत होगा –
निबंध – 8 अंक (5 विकल्प रहेंगे )
व्याख्या- 8 अंक (4 अंक गध, 4 अंक पध)
पत्र लेखन – 5 अंक (औपचारिक/अनौपचारिक)
लघु उत्तरीय- 10 अंक (2 अंक x 5 प्रश्न रहेंगे जिसमें 5 का उत्तर देना अनिवार्य होगा)
दीर्घ उत्तरीय- 15 अंक ( 5 अंक x 3 प्रश्न का एक विकल्प होगा | )
संक्षेपण / – 4 अंक
Bihar Board Hindi Exam Sample/Sample Paper
Model Paper Of Bihar Board XIIth 2018 Exam Alt English of 50 Marks is compulsory for the all the students and all streams students. Below we have mentioned the BSEB MAL Hindi ( Question Format of Hindi 50 Marks). In the 50 Marks English Question paper of Bihar Board. Details for the number marking system has been given below.
50 Marks Hindi Question paper of Bihar
विषय समूह – हिंदी, अंग्रेजी, मैथिली, उर्दू
कुल निर्धारित अंक – 50
वस्तुनिष्ठ, एकल सही उत्तरीय प्रश्नों की कुल संख्या -25. कुल निधारित प्राप्त अंक 25, प्रत्येक प्रश्न का 1 अंक का होगा | परीक्षा ओ एमआर शीट के माध्यम से ली जाएगी |
विषयनिष्ठ प्रश्न कुल 25 अंकों का होगा, जिसमें पाठ्य-पुस्तक एवं व्याकरण/ रचनात्मक संबंधित प्रश्न दिए जाएंगे| अंक विवरण निम्वर्त होगा –
गध – 10 अंक ( प्रत्येक प्रश्न का एक विकल्प होगा|)
पध – 10 अंक ( प्रत्येक प्रश्न का एक विकल्प होगा|)
व्याकरण – 5 अंक
रचनात्मक संबंधित प्रश्न.
BSEB Hindi Sample paper 2018 Revised Exam Pattern
Below we have mentioned the download process of Hindi model paper of Bihar Board. Students who are searching for the BSEB Hindi Sample paper 2018, New exam sample paper of Bihar Board 12th Exam Hindi Subject. Hope that this 50 and 100 marks official Model paper of Hindi will help to prepare for the exam as well help you to score the good marks in the Examination.
How to Download Revised Exam Model Paper of Bihar board Hindi
- First of all, visit the official website at
- Go to the below section of Footer.
- Click on the Intermediate Model Paper 2018.
- A new window will be open with all model paper section wise.
- Go the Language Section.
- Where you will find the link to download Hindi Sample Paper 2018
Hindi I.A-LL (OPT) 100 Marks
Hindi I.A-LL-NRB (COMP) 50 Marks
Hindi ISC-ICOM-LL (OPT) 100 Marks
Hindi ISC-ICOM-LL- NRB (COMP) 50 Marks
Sample paper in Hindi BSEB 2018 Exam
Hope that this article might help to all the students to download the sample paper of Hindi. Need any for a suggestion or any query aks through the comments.
Hindi 50marks ka
how to downlode model paper in online
Click on link to download or go through the process