Students of science faculty on 21st February 2017 has been given the exam of ll English. After giving the exam of English students of Bihar Board Inter exam 2017 are searching the answer of BSEB inter English paper 2017. Here on this website going to provide the link to download the Bihar Board Inter exam English question paper with answer sheet soon. English question of Bihar board 2017 with solution help the students to overview marks in the Bihar Board 12th result 2017. Students are also suggested to keep in touch with complete details about Bihar Board 12th result 2017.
Group B & C English answer click on the link
Board Inter exam English question paper with answer sheet
Bihar School Examination Board on 21st Feb 2017 at the exam centre has been taken the English 100 marks exam. All the students of Science faculty who have taken the English LL of 100 Marks given the exam & now wish to analysis their marks. This Bihar ISC English Question paper and answer help the students to estimate their overall marks in inter examination.
Bihar board inter English 100 marks solution
Bihar board objective answers English
Group A
- Read carefully the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.
My belief is that if the Nazi won, culture would be destroyed in England. In the earlier war, Germany was just a hostile country. Germany and England were enemies, but they both belonged to the same civilisation. In the Nazi war, Germany is not merely a hostile country, she is a bad ideology. She stands for evil ideas. Germany is not against culture. She does believe in art and literature. But she has mad a blunder as she has allowed her culture to become the government. All evils proceed from this blunder. In England, our culture is not governmental. It is national: It springs naturally out of our way of life. It has developed slowly, easily, lazily.
- What is the author’s ‘’belief?
- Which country does the word ‘she’ refer to?
- Whose culture is not ‘governmental?
- How has the culture in England developed?
- Make a précis of the following passage and give a suitable title:
Abraham Lincoln, who became the 16th president of U.S.A, was an extraordinary man. His remarkable achievement was his astute leadership in the American civil war. He succeeded in preserving the Unio, Abolished slavery, Strengthened the federal government, and modernised the economy. Largely self-educated, Lincoln became a lawyer. As president, he was responsible for many enactments of far- reaching political and social consequences. He explored the true nature of democracy and therefore, fought valiantly for many enactments of far- reaching political and social consequences. He explored the true nature of democracy and therefore, fought valiantly for the suppressed people. Conscientious and sensitive, Lincoln opposed slavery. His liberal policies, however, did not find favour with the racist people. He was unfortunately assassinated in 1865.
- Choose the correct tense forms of the verbs given I brackets and fill in the blanks with them:
(a). Mary came in while her husband………………………(write) a letter.
(b). He………………………(leave) when I reached his house.
© she told us that he………………..(return) after a long vacation.
- Change the following sentences into passive voices:
A . John is reading the Bible.
B. The police caught the thief.
C. Let us finish this work.
5. Use the following idioms and phrases in sentences of your own, so as to bring out their meaning clearly:
A. Hard and fast
B. black sheep
C. To and fro
6.Combine the following sentences into one sentences each:
A. The boy died at the age of nine. A serious was the reason for his death.
B. I have bought a book. It is very expensive.
C. Arun slept all night. He was light and fresh in the morning.
7. Fill in the blanks with suitable modal auxiliary verbs:
a. The student ………………obey their teachers.
b. ………………… you help me, please?
c. Where should we go to take lunch?
8. Turn the following sentences into indirect speech:
a. You will say, “ I do not waste time”?
b. She said, “ I do not waste time”?
c. Sita said to Arun, “ where do you live”?
- 9.Transform the following sentences as directed without changing the meaning:
A . The car is too expensive to bought (remove ‘too’)
b. their glory can never fade. (into assertive)
c. can a man live forever? (into assertive)
- Translate the following sentences into English.
a. हम लोग सामाजिक प्राणी हैं |
b साहित्य समाज का दर्पण है |
c हमें समाज सुधारना है |
d दयानंद समाज सुधारक थे |
e हमें उन पर गर्व है |
- Write an essay in about 100-150 words on any one of the following:
a. The game of cricket
b. Pollution
c. Democracy
d. Science and its advances
e. A visit to a historical place
( 13) a. – IV, b. – III, c. – I, d. – IV e. – 2,
(15) A- True B- True
All question and their answer will be updated soon keep stay with us
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