Independence Day Quiz – Answer and Win Prize

By | March 30, 2023
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India completes 74 years of Independence on August 15, 2021. On the 15th of August 2021, India is celebrating the 75th Independence Day of the country. It took the country a long battle to gain freedom from British Rule. As we enter the 75th year of the Diamon Jubilee of India’s Independence. Here is the quiz for you to play and get a chance to win. 

15th August 2021 – Independence Day Quiz 

About the Indian Flag 

The National Flag is a horizontal tricolour of India saffron (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle and India green at the bottom in equal proportion. The ratio of the width of the flag to its length is two to three. In the center of the white band is a navy-blue wheel that represents the chakra.

The top saffron colour, indicates the strength and courage of the country. The white middle band indicates peace and truth with Dharma Chakra. The green shows the fertility, growth and auspiciousness of the land.

Know your Flag 

Its design is that of the wheel which appears on the abacus of the Sarnath Lion Capital of Ashoka. Its diameter approximates to the width of the white band and it has 24 spokes. The design of the National Flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 22 July 1947.

15th August Indpendence Day Quiz

आप सभी को 75 वी स्वंतत्रा दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामना !!

 Winner:   Anjali Kumari 

Thank you all for participating.

NameMarksPercentageDated On
Anjali Kumari24100.00%15-Aug-2021 10:50:AM
Anjali Kumari2291.67%15-Aug-2021 10:47:AM
Ankit Kumar937.50%15-Aug-2021 08:52:AM
Arman  Ali729.17%15-Aug-2021 07:06:AM
Chamak Kumar520.83%15-Aug-2021 10:13:AM
Dileep Kumar sah28.33%15-Aug-2021 07:27:AM
Himanshu Kumar833.33%15-Aug-2021 11:04:AM
Md sitare1041.67%15-Aug-2021 08:45:AM
Mirza Saif2291.67%15-Aug-2021 10:32:AM
Mirza Saif2291.67%15-Aug-2021 10:29:AM
Mirza Saif937.50%15-Aug-2021 10:15:AM
Piyush raj24100.00%15-Aug-2021 12:42:PM
Piyush raj24100.00%15-Aug-2021 08:11:AM
Piyush raj24100.00%15-Aug-2021 08:10:AM
Piyush raj2395.83%15-Aug-2021 08:08:AM
Piyush raj1041.67%15-Aug-2021 08:02:AM
Princi729.17%15-Aug-2021 08:13:AM
Raju Ranjan Prasad1041.67%15-Aug-2021 08:31:AM
Rishi kumar24100.00%15-Aug-2021 08:37:AM
Rishi kumar1770.83%15-Aug-2021 08:32:AM
Roushan kumar625.00%15-Aug-2021 08:58:AM
Shashank Shekhar24100.00%15-Aug-2021 10:21:AM
Shashank Shekhar24100.00%15-Aug-2021 10:17:AM
Shashank Shekhar2395.83%15-Aug-2021 10:15:AM
Shashank Shekhar1875.00%15-Aug-2021 10:12:AM
shubham Rajput729.17%15-Aug-2021 07:16:AM
shubham Rajput937.50%15-Aug-2021 07:12:AM
ujjwal Ankit1458.33%15-Aug-2021 07:11:AM

About the Independence Day Quiz 2021 

 Particular  Details 
 Total Number of Questions  24 
 Time for Answer  21 Minutes 
 Top Performer get  75 Indian Rupees 
 Quiz By  Netwarelogy Web Privite Limited 

Quiz Date: 15th August 2021 

Quiz Participate Time: 07 AM to 07 PM 

Winner Announce: 07:51 PM 

15th August Quiz 2021

In this quiz, All of the Questions are base on General knowledge. Check your Self How Much you know about your country ( India ).  One Winner will get a chance to win 75 Indian Rupees who will answer all questions in 1st Attempt and less time. 

Online Quiz – Play Here 

Vande Matram – Status 

Author: Anil Kumar

I have completed a Master's Degree in Literature and am a co-founder of '' On this website, we provide education updates and useful content for visitors to help shape their careers.

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