Bihar board 12th Result 2017 passed students now searching what to do now after completed intermediate. Some of the students wish to get the government job in Bihar. for them, it is the also good news they can prepare for the Government job in free. It is only for the students who waiting for Bihar board intermediate 2017 result, Know full details in Hindi. If you wish to do bachelor courses from JP University then you can take Admission in JP University Saran, Chhapra (Bihar). Click on below links for more information.
You may also be decided that in which courses you want to take bachelor degree. Below we have provided the list of all courses which Jai Prakash University providing. The best part of this JPU is the all the study material and assignment & Books for bachelor courses from the JPU you will get on time. For any admission queries in JP Univesity, you can do at the official website of Jai Prakash University. List of JPU Affiliated Colleges in near of Chapra, Saran & Siwan District. List of courses in which students can take admission in JAI PRAKASH University Chhapra.
Bachelor Degree courses
- Functional Hindi
- Functional English
- Industrial Fish and Fisheries
- Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) under the- Directorate of Distance Education Programme.
As per grant permission of University Grant Commission (UGC) Many more bachelor and master degree courses is going to start by the Jai Prakash University. Below is a list of coming courses at JP University Siwan Bihar.
Coming Corses at JP University
- B.B.A.
- M.B.A.
- B.Lib. Sc.
- P.G. D.C.A.
Jai Prakash University – JPU also gives opportunity and provide for much professional development and training in all sectors of an economy and cater list is given below. A large no of students who passed in Bihar board 2017 inter exam result they wish to do job oriented professional courses. JPU Job oriented courses will be the best option for them for make career.
Job oriented Courses – Jai Prakash University Siwan
Advertising Sales Promotion and ‘Sales Management
Agricultural Waste Management
B.A.(Hons.) B. Ed., 4-year Integrated Course
Bachelor in Business Administration
Bachelor of Mass Communication
Cattle Farming
Communicative English
Computer Application/Technology (Data Care Management)
Cultivation of Medicinal Domestic Plant
Design and Fashion Technology
Electrical and Electronic Goods Management
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Science
Functional English
Functional Hindi
Industrial Fish and Fisheries
Industrial Microbiology
Pollution Management
Rural Women Empowerment.
Soil Analysis
Sugar Technology
Sugarcane Technology
Tourism and Travel Management
Watershed Management
If you wish to know any more things about what to do after 12th or any need suggestion as well wish to know any more things about the JP University then ask through the comment. Best of luck for the bright future!
Click & Know about JPU