Lalit Narayan Mithila University now uploaded the LNMU PGET Admit Card 2019. Students who have successfully applied the online application for the counseling for the taking admission in the Colleges which are affiliated to the Mithila University. If you are one of those students who is searching for the Mithila University PG Admission exam admit card 2019, Mithila University Exam PG admit card or PG Entrance Exam Admit Card 2019 then here is some of the useful information for you. You may also search for the LNMU PGET Admit Card 2019 and LNMU PGET Exam Dates & Exam time of Mithila University LNMU Post Graduation Exam for admission.
Mithila University PGET 2019 Admit Card
Latest Update 28 June 2019: University has uploaded the Admit Card, Now Candidate can download Admit Card by login through the same portal, where they applied for Entrance form.
Lalit Narayan Mithila University PGET Important Updates | |
Examination Date | |
Reporting Time | |
Examination Time |
Kind Attention!!! The admit card for the entrance examination which is scheduled on 30/06/2019 is for the students who have applied for the following subjects:
1. Botany
2. Chemistry
3. Commerce
4. Geography
5. History
6. Home Science
7. Mathematics
8. Physics
9. Psychology
10. Sociology
11. Zoology
As per Mithila university official update, Lalit Narayan Mithila University is going to upload the admit card for the post-graduation admission entrance test on the website to download to an applicant.
All details in Hindi – click to Read मिथिला यूनिवर्सिटी PG GET एडमिट कार्ड डाउनलोड
Below we have also mentioned the Mithila University Darbhanga Post Graduation Admission Test Admit Card download process. In the LNMU Exam PGET Admit Card Exam dates and time with examination venue of PGET 2019 LNMU has been mentioned.
LNMU Post Graduation Entrance Test Admit Card Download
In an easy way, Admit Card can be download using user id and password which you have to get registration time.
- First of all, log on LNMU Students portal at
- Go to Latest Download Link Section.
- Then click on “click here For Application for Admission of PET 2019 “
- Ask to enter User id and password, Enter & click on Login.
- A Dashboard will be Open click on the PET Section.
- Then PET Admit Card Link will be shown click on that.
- Admit Card will be shown.
- For print – click on > click here for print this page.
- Admit card will be download in pdf format
- Take the print out for carrying to participate in the examination.
Post Graduation Admission Test Admit Card 2019
If you wish to know any more about the Mithila university then you can find much more details about this university on this website through the various post.
If you want to share any things about the Mithila university then your most welcome do it through the Links or join us on Facebook to get up to date information.
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ओ ० एम ० आर ० उत्तर-पत्रिका अंकित करने हेतु परीक्षार्थी के लिए अनुदेश
1.केवल नीले या काले बॉल पोइंट् पेन से सही गोले को गहरे निशान से भरें ।
Use only Blue or Black Ball Point Pen to darken the appropriate circle.
2.प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर-पत्रिका में दिए गए क्रमांक के सामने सम्बद्व गोले में निशान लगाकर दें । हर एक प्रश्न के चार विकल्प होंगे ।
Mark your answer only in the appropriate space against the number corresponding to question you are answering. Every question will have four options.
3.सभी प्रश्न वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार के होंगे । प्रत्येक प्रश्न में एक ही उत्तर सही है ।
All question are of objective type. There is only one correct answer to each question.
4.दिये हुए जगह पर ही हस्ताक्षर करें ।
A signature must be well within the space provided.
5.परीक्षा केंद्र में मोबाइल,लैपटॉप,कैमरा, कैलकुलेटर आदि इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरण लाना वर्जित है ।
Mobile, laptop, camera, calculator and other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited inside the examination center.
6.प्रवेश-पत्र को सुरक्षित रखें। नामांकन के समय इसे माँगा जा सकता है।
Keep your admit card safe. It can be demanded at the time of admission
7.बुकलेट तथा ओ० एम० आर० पर दिए गए निर्देशों को सावधनीपूर्वक पढ़ें एवं उनका अनुपालन करें।
Read instructions on Booklet and OMR carefully and follow them.
Information Source: LNMU PGET Admit Card
Admit Card for PGET 2019 Download Here
Sir pg enternce ka admit card kab aayega . Tell me sir please.
Admit Card aagya hai ab download kar skate hai login karke
Sir botany ka admit card kab aaega ya direct exam . Hoga
User id password ke doaara login karke check kare
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Sociology Ka bhi examination hoga na
Admit Card Download karke dekh le