Hello, students here is the Good news for the class 11th and class 12th students and college students. Now College and School will start to open. From the 07th July 2021 ( 07-07-2021) Intermediate School / College and Graduation School / College will start to open. Now all of the school Colleges will be open with 50% Attendance.
Hope you may also look out from when School college will be open in Bihar. Then here is the news for you now School / College will start to open from the 7th July 2021.
Bihar School / College Start to Open From 07th July 2021
बिहार राज्य में अब 7 जुलाई 2021 से स्कूल / कॉलेज खुला शुरू हो गया है . अब स्कूल में 11th और 12th वर्ग की पठाई के साथ ग्रेजुएशन और अन्य पोस्ट ग्रेजुएशन कोर्स की पढाई शुरू हो गई. अब 50 % उपस्थिति के साथ पढाई होगी. अगर जयादा विधार्थी हो जाता है तो अन्य सेक्शन बना कर विधार्थी की पढाई शुरू करा सकते है. पढाई करने के लिए विधार्थी को covid प्रोटोकॉल के नियम के साथ पढाई होगा.
Latest in Bihar State
In Class 11th Admission Form Apply Started
Graduation Admission Form Apply Started
Job Vacancy Exam Conducted by Board
If your age is 18 Plus then you can take cowin Vaccine near your home center. If you took a vaccine injection then you can download cowin Vaccine Certificate online. The certificate will be required for entry into any exam center or office.
When school reopens in Bihar 2021?
Class 11th & 12th and Higher Class Open From 12th July 2021.
When will school reopen in Bihar for class 9 2021?
It will announce after 1 Month expecting after 16 August 2021.
Does school reopen in Bihar today News?
Yes, Now School College will be open.
Kya Bihar Board ke inter ka padhai School me hoga?
Ha, Ab School / College khulenge Class school me hoga.