UP Pre Matric and Post Matric Scholarship Apply & Status 2020 PFMS Online Check

By | April 2, 2023
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In this time education is not totally free! Even Students who got admission on their merit they also require some expenses to get a better education. Hence Government is giving scholarship to the candidate who is eligible for that. In this article going to discuss UP Scholarship Scheme and How To Check UP Scholarship Status & Apply for Scholarship 2019 – 2020

Uttar Pradesh State government give scholarship to the students who passed matric or post-matric and Graduation and full filling the term of avail scholarship.

Uttar Pradesh State Scholarship Apply 2019

Uttar Pradesh State Government generally provide 4 category scholarship which is listed below with date for Registration.

Scholarship Name


 Pre Matric Class 9-10


Post-Matric Inter Class 11-12


Post-Matric Other than Inter


Post Matric Out Side State


Students who fill the term and eligible can apply for the scholarship online. Applicants who wish to apply for UP Scholarship 2019 can apply as per instructed dates.

up pre Matric and Post Matric Apply and status

PFMS Scholarship Status for UP State

Scholarship providing agency also provided the facility to check the status of their applications for an applied Scholarship form. Scholarship Status for 2017-18 & 2018-19 can be checked out.

Who can apply for Pre Matric or Post Matric Scholarship?  

Students of Pre Matric and Post Matric who study in Uttar Pradesh State and out of the students. Scholarship can apply for Fresh and Renewal for Category of ST, SC, General Category, OBC and Minority Category.

Check UP Scholarship Application Status of UP PMFS

To check Uttar Pradesh Scholarship of PMFS have to follow the steps which are given step by step.

  1. First, go to the official website or use the link which will be directed to the official website of UP scholarship. Click on the “Status” tab present on the homepage top menu.
  2. Then a select year for which scholarship status you want to check.
  3. Then a new page will open, enter your registration number and Date of Birth.
  4. After entering details Press the search button to get your scholarship status.

By the following above procedure, you can find UP Scholarship Status 2020 PFMS Online.

How to Apply or Renewal for UP Matric or Pre-Matric Scholarship 2019.

Students those who yet not applied and eligible or have to apply for New or Renewal their scholarship form they can also proceed online by the just simple procedure.

uttar pradesh scholarship apply

Uttar Pradesh scholarship apply

  1. To apply for UP Scholarship 2019- 2020 Fresh / renewal
  2. First check Online website at scholarship.up.nic.in:-
  3. Click on appropriate scholarship link for which you have to apply and you are eligible.
  4. A form will be open Fill the form very carefully.
  5. First, you have to register and after the registration, you will get user id and password to fill up.
  6. While filing Renewal or Fresh Scholarship Form of Uttar Pradesh State Post matric or Pre-Matric.

UP Scholarship Checking 2020 of Renewal and Fresher

Important Links to Check UP Scholarship Status 2020 & Apply UP Scholarship PFMS Online.

Scholarship Name


Pre Matric Class 9-10

 Apply Date Over

Post-Matric Inter Class 11-12

 Apply – Fresh / Renewal

Post-Matric Other than Inter

Apply – Fresh / Renewal

Post Matric Out Side State

Apply – Fresh / Renewal

2017-18 Scholarship Status

 Check Status 

2018-19 Scholarship Status

 Check Status 

The motive to Give Scholarship

Scholarship provided by the government either central or State. Main motive to give scholarship is all. 

Scholarship Procedure 

scholarship process

scholarship process

A scholarship is an award in term of financial aid for a student those family financial backgrounds no more strong and students did better performance in the previous exam & fulling the terms for further their education. Scholarships avail on various criteria, which usually reflect the values and purposes.  Scholarship money is not required to be repaid.

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