English 4 Questions Paper Graduation Part 2 Mithila University

By | December 6, 2020

Here we have collected the English 4 Questions Paper of Graduation Part 2 Lalit Narayan Mithila University. Students who are going to appear in LNMU Egnlish 4 Exam on 05th December 2020, such can download and prepare for the examination. After the Exam, you can also get LNMU Part 2 English Paper 4 Questions 2020.

English Paper 4 Questions have been asked for 100 marks. Before it, you can download English paper 2 VVI Questions. Most Important Questions for Graduation Part 2 English Paper 4. Students who are going to appear in the exam must do practice with LNMU English 4 VVI Questions. 

English Paper 4 Questions Paper – LNMU Part 2 

 Post  LNMU English Paper 4 Questions Download 
 University  Lalit Narayan Mithila University 
 Exam Name  English Paper 4 
 Graduation  Part 2 
 Status  VVI Questions Available 
 Upcoming Exam   Paper 4 English Questions 
 Exam Date  05th December 2020 

English Paper 4 Questions 2020 VVI 

English Eassysists 

  • Of Studies 
  • Beauthibbs 
  • Dream Children 
  • On the Pleasure of No Longer Being Very yong 
  • On Superstitions 
  • In Pleasures 

Modern English Short Stories 

Write a critical appreciation of 

(i) The Basement Room 

(ii) The Kite 

(iii) The Duchess and the Jeweller 

(iv) The Vertical Ladder 

Wuthering Heights  

  1. Story of Wuthering Heights 
  2. Amplify Treatment of Love in the Novel Wuthering Heights. 
  3. Discuss the appropriateness of the Tittle of the Novel. Or “The story begins and ends at Wuthering Heights”. Discuss this statement showing the significance of the title of the novel. 

Character Sketches 

  1. Heathcliff 
  2. Catherine Earnshaw 
  3. Hindley 
  4. Edgar Linton 
  5. Catherine Linton 
  6. Joseph 
  7. Mr. Lockwood 
LNMU English 4 Questuibs

LNMU English 4 Questions

Mithila University Graduation Part 2 English Questions 

FAR From the Madding Crowd – Thomas Hardy 

  1. Give the summary of the Novel “Far From the Madding Crowd by Hardy”. 
  2. Discuss the element of Melodrama in the plot of Far From the madding crowd. 
  3. What is the significance of the title ” Far From the madding Crowd” Do you think the title has got any bearing upon the plot or the characters of the novel? 
  4. Write a brief essay on hardy as a novelist of rustic life, illustrating your answer from the madding crowd. 
  5. Write a short note on the element of chance or accident in the novel. Does this element make the story improbable? 


7. What part of ode coincidence play in Hardy’s novels? Illustrate from “Far From the madding Crowd” 

8. Write a note on Hardy’s humor with special reference to “Far From the madding Crowd”

Character Sketches 
  1. Gabriel Oak 
  2. Bathsheba 
  3. Boldwood 
  4. Sergeant Troy 
  5. Fanny Robin 

All Latest Update from LNMU 

 LNMU UG Part 2 ( English 4 Questions Paper ) – 2020 
LNMU Part 2 English 4

LNMU Part 2 English 4

1 Explain with reference to be context, the following:

( a ) He complained so seldom, indeed, of such stirs as these, that I really thought him not vindictive: I was deceived completely, as you will hear.


The little souls were comforting each other with better thoughts than I could I have hit on: no parson in the world ever pictured heaven so beautifully as they did.

( b ) In his face on might notice that many of the hues and curves of youth had tarried onto manhood: there ever remained in his remoter crannies some relics of the boy.


Love is a possible strength in an actual weakness. Marriage transforms a distraction into support, the power of which should be, and happily often is, in direct proportion to the degree of imbecility it supplants.

LNMU English 4 Alternative Questions 

( C ) Saturday afternoon was his moment of glory. He reveled in the admiration he aroused in the bystanders and enjoyed the envy he knew he excited in the less fortune flyers.


Like all spinsters, she watched eagerly for the foreign mails and keeps carefully under lock and key a casket full of depressing agriculture intelligence.

( d ) we are nothing; less than noting, and dreams. We are only what might have bee, and must wait upon the tedious shores of Lethe millions of ages before we have existence, and a name.


The moderns do not realize modernity. They have never know anything else. They have stopped on to a moving platform which they hardly know to be moving, as a man cannot feel the daily movement of the earth.

Mithila University Graduation English 4 Questions 

  1. Discuss Wuthering Heights as a spiritual tragedy.


Attempt a character sketch of Heathcliff.

  1. Justify the title of the novel Far From the Madding Crowd.


Attempt a character sketch of Gabriel Oak.

  1. Bring out the main ideas contained in any one of the following essays:

( a ) Dream Children

( b ) On superstitions

( c ) On the felling of Immortality in Youth.

  1. Write a critical appreciation of either The kite or The vertical Ladder.
Author: Anil Kumar

I have completed a Master's Degree in Literature and am a co-founder of 'resultfor.in.' On this website, we provide education updates and useful content for visitors to help shape their careers.

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