How Mobile Phones / Laptops are useful in the study

By | March 15, 2024
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All state and Central Board exams are coming and examination preparation is going with full zeal. Here going to introduce you to the study through the mobile and gadget. We are living in the 21st century where the whole world is operated by technology. These technologies can be both beneficial and dangerous. A student can use technology for their study purpose and can achieve great success in this highly competitive world.

How Mobile Phones / Laptops are useful in the study

Apart from playing games, listening to music, watching movies and all other entertainment gadgets can be beneficial for many productive things too.

A gadget like a mobile phone and a laptop can help a student in their studies a lot. Internet helps a student if he/she is unable to attend schools/colleges for some reasons. Students can opt for online courses available at different websites.

Update: Around the Word lockdown and in India lockdown is continued till 14th April 2020 and it seems that it will be extended hence students can do study from home. Here are the tips for it. 

Use of Mobile and Laptop in Study 

There are also a lot of video tutorials and lectures which can be found online at many websites. Internet helps a student create interest in learning a subject by providing various resources like videos, images and audio files from reliable sources. Many educational websites provide sample papers and suggestions for the preparation of exams in the best way.

How Mobile Phones / Laptops are useful in the study

How Mobile Phones / Laptops are useful in the study

Students can gather information from their teachers or friends if they miss any of the classes. They can discuss their projects and practicals with anyone through the help of a mobile phone.

Additional Benefits of Gadget in Study 

Sometimes students feel a bit shy to ask questions to the teachers in front of the whole class, so for them, there is the internet. They can put their questions on any educational website and will get better answers. According to some recent research, students who use the internet show an increase in cognitive abilities such as brain-power (memory), spatial and logical problem-solving, critical thinking, concentration, abstraction and comprehension. 

Most Beneficial use of mobile phones or laptop

The most beneficial use of mobile phones or laptop is that one can earn money in different ways with the help of these gadgets. 

A student can share their random ideas independently globally all over the world, through the internet. A teacher can upload their teaching tutorial videos and one can watch them from any part of the world and get benefited from it. Mobile phones or laptops in classrooms can help students to gain access to any information which keeps them motivated for continuing the use of technology for lifelong learning.

Drawbacks of Technology in Study 

Like all these benefits these gadgets also have many drawbacks. Students can get distracted due to these devices. Sometimes students get dependent on the internet fully which reduces their creativity and self-confidence. They may get addicted because of video games, music, movies, etc. They can also get addicted to shortcut writing (SMS language) and wrongly write them in exam copies. The Internet can also bring fear in students of talking face to face, which is very dangerous for them.

Pro & Cons of using Mobile / Laptop in study 

So there are both pros and cons of using mobile phones and laptops for educational purposes. It is fully dependent on the person and how they use it. It’s fully their self-control and their own self-esteem.

It will be best if a student don’t depend wholly on technology, but rather read books and use their creativity to create and discover something based on their requirement. It should be referred only for knowledge purposes and other purposes as required without making any misuse of it. 

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More useful tips can be found on

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