Basic of Qualify Entrance Exam

By | April 8, 2020
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If you are a student then probably the entrance exam is something cannot get away. The entrance exam is conducted all across the world to filter eligible and more suitable students and allow them to take admission in colleges and higher level educations. 

How Entrance Exam Qualify 

More often Countries like India where competitiveness is very high and students take extra pressure to qualify entrance exam. It becomes more natural for all such students to have basic of qualify entrance exam information. 

We will share the tips on basic of qualify entrance exam. Students like you preparing for board exams will sit for various entrance exam find this article quite informative. 

Tips on basic of qualify entrance exam 

Know your Exam Date 

The very step in order of preparing for any entrance exam is to know the exam date of the examination.  As soon as you register and fill up the form you should note down the exam date of entrance exam. It’s quite natural that without knowing the exam date you won’t be able to plan for your study towards the entrance exam. Exam date will give you a fair bit of idea about how much day is available for your to prepare for the examination. 

Fix up the study time and schedule

Depending upon the how much day left for the examination. Make a study schedule and allow yourself a study time period for preparation of entrance exam. Most of the students give themselves less time for the entrance exam preparation which should not be the case for efficient preparation. While making study timing for preparation of entrance exam consider the days of holidays when you can study more than usual days. 

Know the syllabus of entrance exam 

Having the knowledge of syllabus in entrance exams will give you more ease while preparing for the entrance exam. While going through the syllabus of exam, categorize the strong and weak areas of the syllabus. Focus more on weak areas of the topics during preparation. 

Learn all the shortcuts

Every student has shortcuts which they use to prepare for entrance exams. Be it for remembering formulas or memorizing charts, use shortcuts to save your time. Most of the students use those shortcuts in entrance exams to succeed. There are some standard shortcuts which you can tap into but creating your own wouldn’t harm either.

Learn the method of elimination

As you know the entrance exams have objective questions. So you should know the method of elimination which will help you in eliminating the wrong answers. There may be a few questions where you don’t know the answer but still, you can reach out to the correct answer by eliminating wrong answers. 

Solve previous year questions

Solving previous year question papers should be left for the last couple of months before an exam. These are actual questions which have appeared and you should time yourself while answering them so that you can compare your scores. 


There is no hidden secret of the importance of practice. The practice has no substitute in preparation of entrance exam. It has been proven that most part of preparation is practice. so Practice! Practice! Practice!

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