How early starting preparation of exam help to score good Mark

By | July 28, 2019
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Hello Students, Attention !! If you are planning to score higher in the upcoming board examination then burst your bubble thinking of preparing late for exams. We have many strong reasons to justify this argument through this page. In this article, you will learn How early starting preparation of exam help to score good Mark. Alongside we will also provide you tips to start early for examination.

Early Preparation of Exam How helpful to score marks 

One of the biggest mistakes students make is to start lately and as exams starting to approach they grew anxiety and nervousness which in turn affects their exam preparation. 

How early starting preparation of exam help to score good Mark

We know it’s not that easy to prepare for the exams. Everyone around you starting to give you advice and make it the “biggest test of your life” especially if you are going to appear for board exams. Do you want to study without sleep at nights? Can you afford to have lots of tensions due to lack of exam preparations? If not then these are enough reasons to convince you that you should start early for the examination.

Whenever we graduated to the upper class. At the start of the academic session, we develop hope to perform better in class and topple our previous class performance but as time passes by we become lazy and start procrastinating. We should break such destructive behavior as start early for an exam is vital to get good marks.

You should plan and organize study at the start of new session. Start early for the exam preparation is key to score good marks. Some of the below tips to follow.

Tips which follow during the study 

Make Time Table: the Very first thing you will have to consider is a proper timetable. Without making a timetable you will never be decisive for your study and always finds one or other reasons to procrastinate.

Allow yourself time for study as well as some outdoor activities and fun in your timetable. Please make a flexible timetable which helps you to follow it more realistically then ideally. Having a timetable will not stress you during exam time and helps you score higher on the exam.

Make Notes of each subject: Every good student doesn’t rely on just textbooks and classes but they self-study and make proper notes. If you don’t know how to make notes while self-study then read our articles on it.

Moreover having good notes helps immensely to quickly revise the chapters midst of exams, or unit tests. Notes not just helping in revision but also help you to gain faster writing which eventually helps in the exam hall.

Make good friends to study: You cannot study everything own by just self-study so it is important to make good friends study. But keep in mind that such group study doesn’t become as friends get together. Ensure that you are making group study with proper plan and targets to achieve. Always involve sincere students in your group study plan.

Studying in the group involves discussion on the topic, a different point of views, understanding which lasts longer in your brain and hard to forget during exams which are not possible in self-study.

Make Time Table by keeping subjects in rotation: More often students get motivated and make a timetable which is impossible to achieve. Don’t make such a timetable where you study all subjects daily. As it is not possible to study all rather rotate your important subjects where you give proper time to each subject.

Conclusion: The key to scoring good marks in the exam is to start early preparation by following the above points and repeat this timetable. 

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