Making notes is an inseparable part of exam preparation. Anything you study gives cannot retain it forever that’s why we need notes and should know How to makes notes for exam preparation point of view. Without notes, you will have to study it all over again.
How to Makes Notes for Exam
Student starts their preparation right from the first day of the academic session but they will always sort of the time during the last day of exam preparation. In such crucial time notes save the life of a student. If you are also preparing and wants to know How to makes notes for exam preparation point of view then read further.
Do you know the importance of notes for exam preparation?
There are many reasons because of it there is the importance of notes for exam preparation.
1.) Preparation of notes helps you to understand the topics clearly.
2.) Notes contain the summary of all the important lectures or topics taught in the classroom.
3.) Making notes for exam preparation point of view helps us to write as well as think about the topic more clearly.
4.) You can revise your notes again and again.
5.) Notes will save your lots of precious time.
6.) Good notes avoid you to study many bulky books to read.
7.) Your notes always are written the simpler language by you than those textbooks so it is easier to revise from notes than books.
How to makes notes for exam preparation point of view
Students can make notes for exam preparation point of view n various ways. I will suggest them to apply all the methods below while preparing for notes.
Make notes from the Classroom Lecture: Students often underestimate the importance of classroom.
Teachers who teach are more often the master of the subject so they know how to present the idea in a proper order so that students can understand.
While attending any class always keep a separate notebook and write down all the ideas, topics highlighted by the teacher even though you don’t understand that time.
Always pay attention in your classroom. Lots of information given by teacher you won’t find in any textbook, supplementary book or any other book.
Make notes from the Help Books: After writing down all important information given in classroom you should take help form help books, reference book or even internet for further information.
Before writing try to learn the topic with the help of reference books.
Write down all the important explanation and tricks related to that particular topic.
While preparing notes from the book don’t copy everything written in books because books explain the topic in detail so learn it then put it in your word keeping only the important information and leaving out the unnecessary details.
Conclusion: One should start making notes right from the very beginning of the preparation and could be much before taking an attempt to write the exam.